- Sajecki Planning (Senior Urban Planner) - University of Toronto (PhD Candidate)
I'm a PhD Candidate and bilingual urban planner with interests in transit equity and land use planning. My doctoral research focuses on the intersection of transportation planning and disability in Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). Before my return to academia, I worked as an urban planner at a Toronto-based land-use planning consultancy. I contributed to various private and public sector projects, including major transit station area studies, health district master plans, feasibility analyses for transit-oriented developments, and residential/mixed-use development applications. My masters research focused on automated vehicles and their future impacts on land use planning and policy-making in the GTHA.
- University of Toronto: PhD Candidate (Transportation Planning) - Toronto Metropolitan University: Masters of Planning in Urban Development - University of Toronto: BA (Human Geography)
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I am the stranger who falls asleep on your shoulder during a flight (9/10).
Leaving a stable job and career trajectory to research a topic that I am passionate about (transit equity).
Anise (the plant)
Bombay Bicycle Club (they're releasing a new album soon)
French is my first language!