Below are existing material related to the workstreams (as of August 16, 2024)
- Engagement/ collaboration among members (@Peter LePiane / @Janet Alford)
- Clubs
- Right now there are 2 Clubs: Founders Club (#club-founders) and AI Club (#club-ai). These were created based on member demand of people within Slack requesting these be created. AI Club is quite active and we meet every 3 weeks and are planning
- NorthLawn Clubs strategy : Here’s an initial summary doc describing the approach and thinking behind the clubs
- Virtual Coffee
- There’s a Slack group called #virtual-coffee that is an automated service provided by Donut where it will randomly / automatically match people for 1-on-1 virtual coffee chats. It’s really handy! There are 43 people in the group but the free plan only allows 24 matches
- Results are decent, the last few rounds have had 12 people, 12 people, and 10 people respectively meet so around 50% of people actually meeting up when matched
- Events
- We’ve had a handful of them over NorthLawn’s existence but not in regular intervals
- Events is where the summaries and recordings can be found
- We’ve also gathered feedback survey on many of the events which Brent can share if requested
- Project collaboration
- There hasn’t been a ton on the bizdev side. One example I know about is Alex M and Gautham working together on a project right now
- Practice lines/ org (@Akshata Prabhu)
- AI Club is the closest to a “practice” right now and we’re working on making AI-focused NorthLawn Insights. The person leading this effort on the content side is Robert Alward (I will connect you two via Slack).
- Still early days but likely will be around 4-5 Members writing up short (1-2 page) thought pieces/ case studies related to AI
- Here’s the recording of the last AI Club session where we were discussing the strategy around this [NorthLawn] AI Club meetup (2024-08-14 12:04 GMT-4)
- Initial thoughts were to have some type of standardization and support from the Member Circle combined with the content expertise of the practices, but will defer to you on your vision for leading this
- There’s not much done here but there’s a few resources that have initial info on Members’ expertise
- Member directory
- Experience Repository: This is a WIP initiative from the Client Circle where Members add 3 mini case studies of their work both to inform other Members internally and to share with relevant clients, when necessary. Peter is leading this effort so he has the latest info
- #intros: Where Members share a bit about their background and practices
- Tools and resources (@Eli Gentle/ .5 @Björn)
- Tool / vendor recommendations by members is the quick first draft that we made on this. This is the full extent of what we’ve done here
- Policies and information sharing (@Enrique Cortés / .5 @Björn)
- Good Standing policy here’s the latest version of the Good Standing policy. The goal of this is to make engagement very clear for everyone and provide a mechanism to put people back on the waitlist if they’re not meeting the minimum bar
- Community Member Agreement (summary) here is the core agreement/ terms related to being a Community Member. This is a summary to try to make the legal jargon more clear. The original is also linked there. These are the terms everyone in the community agrees to when they make their account for the portal. It defines things like
- Dont be a jerk or you’ll be removed
- Here’s how the revenue sharing policy works so you dont just take our word for it, it’s legally binding
- You’re a contractor and not an employee
- Etc
- Professional liability (E&O) insurance coverage not really a policy but this is one of our policies around insurance coverage for all members if they’re doing a NorthLawn project